Tuesday, March 12, 2013



Time for another entry, only this time it’s going to be about the class project that is currently being worked on. I am part of a design team for the Timeline project. The Timeline project is a historical timeline of designs or significant events that have made an impact on society. One to two people are assigned a decade in which they gather information on and organize it in a fashion useable by the design team. The design team creates the timeline for the class based on what is given.

            The process? For the design our process was to start looking at other examples of timelines so that we could get a feel for what design or style we wanted to try and work toward. After that, we came up with sketches as to what we felt might work. After trying different styles we come up with what details and information will be on the timeline. Work for the timeline is then divided among the members, in which one designs the symbols, another puts together a color scheme, and another creates the structure for the timeline and takes the information and organizes it.

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