Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Design and Art (REDUX)

Design and art seem pretty similar and maybe even seem one and the same. However, there are differences between the two fields.

 Design uses color and form in way that has purpose, that's not to say that art doesn't have purpose, but design is typically used for commercial or functional purposes such as advertising, web design, graphic design, publication design...etc. While these can have their own little bits of artistic flare, they still need to be somewhat refined and be somewhat appealing to a wide audience. Many designs, especially print designs, will use universal symbols that every culture can identify with. For instance the "P" for parking is used everywhere in the world and no matter what language you speak, you still understand what it stands for.

Art, on the other hand, is not necessarily regulated or commercialized and gives it creator a little more freedom. Art has more of a purpose for expression, such as how modern art is often times a take on modern society as well as how abstract art can be an expression of emotion. Unlike design, it doesn't necessarily use universal symbols and can be limited to a selected viewing audience.

Both design and art are, of course, forms of art and though they have some contrasting aspects, they can both be used to create change. Design and it's universal qualities and art and it's expressive qualities can manipulate the emotions of an individual as well as speaking to an entire community. Design has helped in various ways such as, improving voter's ballots and raising awareness for various causes. Art has helped to create change by bringing about the next big style and influencing pop culture (think Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock...etc). Without art and design, there is not a lot that would have changed, nor made society into what it is today.

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