Monday, April 15, 2013

Taller Tupac Amaru: Talk

Hello again! The previous post talked about some readings in conjunction with activist group Taller Tupac Amaru, however this post is just to reflect on the presentation given at my school.

Taller Tupac Amaru, as mentioned in the previous post is an activist group that uses art (more specifically screen printing) to not only make a statement, but also to revive the art of printmaking. Each artist went into their backgrounds and why they chose to create the collective. Jesus and Favianna were the two out of the three artists that had an art background, however all of the artists went to UC Berkley for their studies. The only member who did not have an art background was Melanie. She learned her skill sets through her mother's sewing and her father's upcycling. I thought it was interesting that she came from a background that didn't include art school and she still managed to become part of a fascinating collective.

 Many of the political issues that are covered in the artist collective, are issues that tend to hit home with them. All of the artists came from immigrant family backgrounds so issues regarding immigration, tend to be some of the issues that resonate best. They have worked on many other issues regarding wages, safe work environments, and much more. The one thing that I really took away from this presentation was how everyone believed that artists not only had a duty to create art, but to use art to help society as well. Designers take a pledge to use their work to help society and not just use their work for profit, so to hear that pledge come from something other than a document was really enlightening for me.

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